Sunday, May 20, 2012

Marlon: My awakening

  As far back as I remember, I was always fascinated with UFO's and extraterrestrials. It all began for me when I was 9 years old living in New Jersey. One morning, my grandma and I decided to go to the corner deli to buy some food. Upon arriving, I happen to glance over at the newspaper section. On the front cover of one of the papers was a news article and what looked like to be an image of bright ship hovering over a neighborhood home. That image immediately triggered a familiar memory inside that left me puzzled. I stared at that picture for a good minute or two and then left, but that image always stayed ingrained in my memory. After that, I buried my head in every possible UFO book I can find in my school library. Early classics like, Mothman Prophecies by John Keel, Andreasson Affair:The Documented Investigation of a Woman's Abduction Aboard a UFO by Raymond Fowler, and Intruders by Budd Hopkins were favorites. I continually read those books over and over. Although somewhat familiar, I was discovering a world that was new to me, but unknown to the rest of my classmates and friends.

Growing up I felt a bit different, and knew there was some sort of mission I had to accomplish one day in life. I would spend hours scanning the night sky, looking to the stars for answers. I knew there was much more to the world than what the average eye was allowed to see. Many numerous experiences started occurring in my life as a young boy. From memories of being dropped back into bed by an unseen force at the age of five, to waking up to a spirit of a man standing in front of my bed. I always felt the presence of someone in my room when I would fall asleepI spent those younger years enthralled in the paranormal, along with UFO's, I was also fascinated by vampires, monsters and ghost stories. I grew up in a household with spiritual connection's to "the other side," so speaking to the dead became the norm around my home. Some of my family members had visions and psychic abilities, while others were mediums or saw spirits. Still no one else connected to the star families like I did. I continued to read more books to seek knowledge in the ET world. Hoping that one day I would find the answers.

My first sighting came in 1987 when the family and I were on a road trip to Orlando, FL. I was 12 years old at the time, and sound asleep in the back of our van. It was really late in the night when suddenly I was awaken by my overly excited uncle who kept yelling in spanish, "the aliens, the aliens are here, the aliens!!!." Right there, hovering above the highway was a beautiful glowing ship with multi-colored lights. I could not believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. I was in awe an filled with goosebumps. My whole family remained in shock as the ship positioned itself over our van. This was finally my proof of everything I had ever read about on the subject....I wasn't crazy after all!! The ship slowly started descending to the side of the road, hiding away behind all the tress until finally disappearing. There was a strong connection there that was undeniable.

As I got a little older, I starting sensing a higher presence that would guide and protect me at times. That presence continued throughout my life, and still till this day. I was once protected from what could've been a deadly car accident. As my friend and I drove home on the highway one day, a huge truck that was driving besides us, switched over to our lane without warning. Right before the truck was about to hit us, the front of our car became invisible. Yup, you heard right, invisible! The truck drove right through our car without the slightest damage. To say we were blown away is an understatement.  We both just stared at each other, speechless. That was confirmation to us that a greater force was in play that day. Then there were the messages I also started receiving. In my early teachings of the Tao, I was given a message from one ascended master at a special ceremony held at the temple. The message revealed that I had been a healer in a past life and that I also helped people. I was told not to forget who I was. I was a young teen at the time so I didn't really grasp at the concept of past lives (Past lives & reincarnation was a subject I would study many years later in Kabbalah). But the seed was planted and the Tao helped me cultivate into the person I would become years later.

OBE (Out of body experience)
I moved to New York City in the early 90's to become part of the big rave and Club kid culture that was happening at the time. I continued to read UFO related books and began teaching my party friends on the subject.. It was during this time I began having sleep paralysis that would turn into OBE's (out of body experiences). Vivid dreams that would consist of my astral body flying over beautiful mountains and through night skies were daily occurrences. It amazed me on how realistic the sensations of flying felt. I also had the tendency to wake up at 3 am and wait by the window. Strange lights would sometimes stationed themselves outside my home, while other times flashing lights would zip by in zig zag patterns. These weird sightings always seemed like my star friends were stopping in to say hello. 
In 1995 I had an incredible experience in cosmic consciousness which still baffles my mind till this day. My friend Andrea and I, attended an outdoor event which was held in a middle of a field in Long Island, New York. While partaking in this event, we decided to take a walk away from our friends and public. It must have been around 2 or 3 AM in the morning when all of the sudden out of nowhere, this intense energy struck the two of us. We were suddenly engulfed in this brilliant golden white light. This soon turned into a dome of swirling multi-colored lights which spun all around us. We looked at each other at the same exact time and said "where are we?" We then held on while feelings of joy, bliss and happiness, all rolled into one, shot through our bodies. At that instant we journey through a cosmic portal and into a different dimension in time. Andrea later remembered being taken to a place where a giant marble building with columns stood surrounded by an ocean. Tall cloaked beings of light proceeded to take her inside the building which had massive halls and walls lined up to the ceiling with golden squared drawers. Inside these drawers was what is known as the Akashic records (The esoteric record of all that has occurred, including past life information). These records contained the history of our lives and of the planet. Andrea was given many messages by the beings, one revealed that we were all one with creator and that life on earth was an illusion. The beings also revealed that our souls chose who are families would be in this lifetime. The very next thing we remembered it was sunrise, and two or three hours had passed. I could not recall anything, but only intense feelings of experiencing something extraordinary. Andrea kept receiving messages from beings for weeks after our experience.  Many years later I tried recovering these memories through hypnosis with a MUFON state director, but could not break through them. The message I keep receiving during my session was "It's not your time to remember". Coincidently (or not), this incident happened 17 years ago on May 20th, which is also today's date. This is also the first time in 26,000 years that our planet, moon and sun aligns itself with the pleiades star cluster!

My Ascension 
After many years of partying it up in NYC, the time had come for me to wake up in 2010. I had become disconnected from my ET connections for more than 10 years, but they seemed to have other plans in store for me. I kept receiving strong signs to move back to Miami for a while, but was ignoring them. Something kept nudging at me until I finally decided to drop everything and go. Little did I know I was being prepared for a complete immersion into the world of UFO's and ET's. My transition back to Miami wasn't easy, but it was great to finally be back with the family. One day while digging through my old stuff at grandma house, I found a bunch of my old UFO books and magazines that I bought as a kid. I started to read them and it immediately sparked interest in me again. That strong connection I had to the ET's as a kid started to come back, and this time it was stronger than ever! I became sort of obsessed with the subject and was driven to read everything related to it. I felt like richard dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, obsessively looking for answers to understand my strong connection. 

My blue Arcturian sculpture.
In early 2011, I ended up attending the UFO Congress in Scottsdale, Arizona. I was really ecstatic to see so many of my favorite researchers and contactees I grew up reading about. I met many experiencers who shared their contact stories with me and I felt right at home. During one of the days at the conference, I stumbled upon a table filled with ET sculptures created by this really wonderful lady named Cynthia Crawford. Cynthia is an ET hybrid/human who channels different races of ET's while creating the sculptures. She gave me the message that I was a starseed and that I had lived past lives in other planets and dimensions. Cynthia also mentioned that I carried the strong energy of an Arcturian being. I had no idea who they were at the time, but soon I discovered that the Arcturians were one of the most advanced extraterrestrial races in the galaxy. I ended up taking one of her creations, an Arcturian sculpture (pictured here) home with me. I was also introduced to a table with a bunch of older starseeds & walk-ins at the conference. They explained to me the reasons for starseeds incarnating on planet earth as humans. The story told of us being hand-picked from different galactic councils to return as light workers, on a mission to help others awaken and help them through the shift.They proceeded to tell me that the genes of a starseed are encoded with a "wake-up call" designed to "activate" at a pre-determined time in life. Everything they were telling me was making sense and I started having an "awakening". I remember one of the starseeds yelling out to the others, "look he's having an awakening!", at that moment something in me was "activated." My old life, as I knew it, was over. ....

Connecting to my ET's.
After returning from the conference, I began going through the awakening process. I started to connect to the Arcturian energy and began to read about them through many different literatures and sites. Synchronicity upon synchronicity, heightened psychic awareness and a lot of high strangeness started occurring in my life. I would wake up to beeping tones in my room and felt the presence of "visitors" in my home. I could tell when they were around since the frequencies would become intense. Pyramid shaped marks would appear under my arms and hands, but would disappear hours later. I began to be downloaded with spiritual knowledge and information. I also started meeting experiencers in Miami, and was given messages from people who channeled ET's. One famous Brazilian medium told me I had extraterrestrial guides preparing me for something in the future. Other mediums told me that I had past lifes in Orion, Arcturus and in the pleiades (my uncle also claims of pleiades descent). I also met a special lady named Bettina whose had life long contacts with Venusian beings. Through her I started connecting to the teachings of oneness which were given to her by her beings. I helped Bettina spread the messages and through doing so I was touched by the energy of the Venusians. I started receiving strong galactic vibrations of love, and was taught how to meditate and change my diet to that of a vegetarian one. A lot of spiritual growth started to transpire because of it and my awareness and consciousness started to shift. I began seeing the world with different eyes. My backyard soon became a portal for the paranormal. Strange lights, ET orbs and ships were photographed over my yard. I started developing a sense of knowing and discovered my true purpose in life, which was to help people awaken. I began practicing energy work and became a reiki master. During the night of becoming a master, I was told by my teacher that she saw "my people". She described two tall cloaked beings guiding me as I gave reiki to the people in a circle. I then discovered Reconnective Healing/The Reconection, a strong frequency of 5th dimensional energy, light and information which reconnects your DNA strands and your axiatonal lines to the planets grid, which in turn connects you to the universe and all the star systems and dimensions (As mentioned in The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch). Enlightening by it all, I began to evolve and transform into a new person. I was assisted by my guides and spiritualy awakened to a new life. The puzzle was finally coming together and I was back on the path to continue my mission. 

A scene similar to my experience through regression.
Update 5/2012: I felt I was ready to retrieve my memories once more and scheduled another hypnosis session with my MUFON State Director. I immediately went into deep relaxation and was taken back to a time I first thought I saw a "ghost" as a child. During my regression, I revealed that the ghost was actually an ET being. Both my parents remained asleep as I was whisked away to a ship which hovered above our old apartment complex. Inside the ship, I described being shown around a luminescent bright craft by a small loving blue being. I kept describing this being as "my friend" as he felt really familiar and radiated so much loving energy towards me. He proceeded to show me around the ship and conveyed plenty of information to me telepathically. I don't really remember too much of the messages, but I knew I had a big job to fulfill in the near future. There was also a taller female being present, but most of my communication was done with the smaller blue being (my friend). I was then brought up to a long window which captured a spectacular view of the universe and it's planets. I was explained many things about our world, the universe and dimensions, and was told they would always be with me. The love I received from this being was overwhelming. There were other memories with a tall mantis being teaching me how to levitate and a different experience with the small little grey guys.

I decided to creat this page to find other experiencers who share similar awakening stories. Spiritually awakened to benevolent beings has been the greatest gift in my life so far. My story is not even close to being over. It has just begun. If you would like to submit your story to us or be interviewed for this blog, please shoot me an email at

*Literature that has assisted me in my awakening are as follow> We, The Arcturians (A True Experience) by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich, We Are Among You Already: True Stories of Star Beings on Earth by Jujuolu Kuita, Ultimate Soul Journey by James Gilliland, X3 Healings Entities and Aliens by Adrian Dvir, The Gathering by William Gamill, The Costodians by Dolores Cannon, Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth by Dolores Cannon, Star Wisdom: Principles of Pleiadian Spirituality by Gene Andrade, , Conversations with Laarkmaa: A Pleiadian View of the New Reality by Rebcca Smith Olreane PHD and Cullen Baird Smith, Connecing to the Arcturians by David K. Miller, Dimensional Journey: Encounters and Teachings by Linda Ball, Benevolent Contacts by Taniah Kamadon, Preparing for Contact by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest, Calling on Extraterrestrials: 11 Steps to Inviting Your Own UFO encounters by Lisette Larkins, It's Time to Remember by Joy S. Gilbert,Bringers of the Dawn by Barabra Marciniak, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself by Dr. Eric Pearl, Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge by Steven Greer, Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications by Steven Greer, Contact: Countdown to Transformation by Steven Greer.